Hello, I’m Sena.
Ph.D. Candidate

I am a PhD candidate in the Operations Management at McGill University Desautels Faculty of Management. My doctoral research focuses on areas such as urban mobility, revenue management, and pricing. Additionally, I collaborate with industry partners to further explore these topics.

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Profile picture of Sena Onen Oz
Profile Picture of Sena Onen Oz, on the Brooklyn Bridge, New York City, NY, U.S.A.

Who am I?

I am a detail oriented person, and that personality trait has proven invaluable throughout my journey as both a student and researcher. During my B.Sc. studies in Industrial Engineering, I discovered my love for exploring the tiny puzzle pieces of processes and seeing how they fit into the bigger picture.

Alongside my studies, I had the privilege of actively participating in research on green city logistics, which further fueled my enthusiasm for conducting rigorous research. This opportunity inspired me to pursue my graduate studies. My research addresses a compelling green city project, specifically examining individuals’ intricate behaviors and decision-making processes in their search for parking spaces. My ultimate objective is to devise a comprehensive solution that persuades individuals to abandon their exhaustive quest for parking spaces, effectively reducing carbon emissions and fostering sustainability in our cities.


McGill University
Ph.D. in Operations Management
Middle East Technical University
M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering
Middle East Technical University
B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering